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Downstream and Upstream requirements for PON networks

Requirements for PON depend on the standard. There are multiple standards developed for different scenarios, but some requirements are true for all the standards. Two single waves are required, one for each direction – upstream and downstream. Usually they are 1310 and 1490 nm respectively. Third wavelength may be provided for downstream video. If so happens it would be 1550 nm.


Between the OLT in CO and ONU should be a device that splits in downstream and couples in the upstream direction. This device is passive.


Table 1. BPON, GPON, EPON, and XG-PON capacities.


Downstream 155.52 Mbps622.08 Mbps 1.244 Gbps2.488 Gbps 1 Gbps 9.952 Gbps
Upstream 155.52 Mbps622.08 Mbps 155.52 Mbps622.08 Mbps1.244 Gbps

2.488 Gbps

1 Gbps 2.488 Gbps


There are standard means of measuring the QoS for different configurations. It helps to manage performance of all the system components. A medium access control is managing efficient upstream data sharing capacity.


Lomoveishiy – Finland

I needed those to connect my PC on the third floor to have internet access in that room, and ISP installed their modem on the first floor only. After dropping fiber patch cables, plugged in all cables into these media converters at both sides, and link came up instantly. Was much easier than I thought!

Raymond – USA

Great experience – units worked straight out of the box – just needed plug in cables and we were done. I also like the possibility to enable jumbo frames, while we do not have a need for this feature at the current moment it’s great to have this option.