Types of installations are varying from the environment and may differ in new or existing neighborhood. Main access network installation concepts are:
- greenfield application
- overbuild application
- refurbishment application
Network installation concepts applications.
Greenfield applications are made for new housing and business park development. Installation of the equipment (such as optical fiber cables) is very easy and has very low cost. Cables can run directly to each building providing 100 percent penetration of a high-capacity network. Developer of the project might absorb some of the cost that will result in more cost savings.
Overbuild application is usually made for multiple flat houses, where neighbours could have different providers. Adding a new network to already existing building is called as competitive overbuild. Typically is done so that new provider offers higher capacity and better service than all the incumbent providers.
Refurbishment application refers to upgrade of an existing network. It stands for replacing of older copper lines with newer optical fibers. This upgraded network is making network with higher speeds, capacity and reliability. These factors make the maintenance costs significantly decrease. Another option, is the overlay when new network is running on top of old one (like usage of telephone lines for the dial-up Internet access).