As a continuation of the topic we had discussed some time ago (Local powering options for ONU / ONT for GEPON or GPON)- today we will look at it again, but this time will more concentrate on architecture itself.
Local powering is less effective than centralised powering in maintaining and operating. However, centralized powering have higher power loss and may lower or remove some of the main advantages of an all-passive optical network. For this reason, AD-net suggesting to use local powering architecture for ONU/ONT networks and other FTTHs as shown in Figure 1.
As illustrated, the ONT (ONU) is powered by a DC UPS, which is located in local premises not far than 100 feet (30 meters) away. The UPS is powered from a commercial 120V or 220V power connection and dispose backup power source (rechargable batteries), while providing low voltage DC power to ONU.
The UPS will alert the customer in case of:
- AC Power Out
- Low Battery
- Missing Battery
- Battery replacement required
These alerts help customer to ensure uninteruptable powering of ONI/ONT. During power blackouts, a power-down scheme is used to ensure longer life for voice services by disabling nonessential services.
The battery life and capacity is enhancedby installation inside cusromers home in a weather-controlled environment.